Please note some recent updates in our campaigns that we feel are important and we are asking you for your help!
Recently we have received the most wonderful news that LUSH will be hosting our petition in a campaign in each of it’s eight Alberta locations to obtain signatures from Alberta residents who want to make a change in how wolves are managed in Alberta beginning on January 8th, 2016. So if you haven't signed our paper petition yet, find your nearest LUSH store starting in January and sign it! While you're there, maybe purchase a WM Charity Pot!
Which brings us to more good news! Wolf Matters Charity Pots have been chosen to be on a rotation - meaning that Wolf Matters Charity Pots will be available North America wide (Not just in Canada!!) starting in the New Year!! We are thrilled!!
Wolf Matters has had some email letter correspondence with Minister Phillips regarding the issues facing wolves.
We strongly believe that our new leaders are open to a new way of managing the wild wolf and we have been told in letters that there will be a review of the wolf management plan and input from the public will be requested (we will post information as soon as we hear where/how the residents of Alberta can comment).
In the meantime, we need those petition signatures! We are far from our goal and the more the better! So please, help us gather those much needed signatures. Find our petition HERE. We ask that you not only sign our petition, but write factual, polite, yet direct letters to the ministers and your MLA demanding changes to the current wolf management plan which dates back to 1991 (and has not been updated since). Call and write to Premier Notley and Minister Phillips. See our CONTACT PAGE and LETTER WRITING page for guidance! Thank you!
By educating the public and obtaining signatures on the petition we can make a real difference for Alberta’s wolves and for Alberta as a leader in conservation and environment.
It is a crucial time to help wolves in Alberta. Will you help us?
Recently we have received the most wonderful news that LUSH will be hosting our petition in a campaign in each of it’s eight Alberta locations to obtain signatures from Alberta residents who want to make a change in how wolves are managed in Alberta beginning on January 8th, 2016. So if you haven't signed our paper petition yet, find your nearest LUSH store starting in January and sign it! While you're there, maybe purchase a WM Charity Pot!
Which brings us to more good news! Wolf Matters Charity Pots have been chosen to be on a rotation - meaning that Wolf Matters Charity Pots will be available North America wide (Not just in Canada!!) starting in the New Year!! We are thrilled!!
Wolf Matters has had some email letter correspondence with Minister Phillips regarding the issues facing wolves.
We strongly believe that our new leaders are open to a new way of managing the wild wolf and we have been told in letters that there will be a review of the wolf management plan and input from the public will be requested (we will post information as soon as we hear where/how the residents of Alberta can comment).
In the meantime, we need those petition signatures! We are far from our goal and the more the better! So please, help us gather those much needed signatures. Find our petition HERE. We ask that you not only sign our petition, but write factual, polite, yet direct letters to the ministers and your MLA demanding changes to the current wolf management plan which dates back to 1991 (and has not been updated since). Call and write to Premier Notley and Minister Phillips. See our CONTACT PAGE and LETTER WRITING page for guidance! Thank you!
By educating the public and obtaining signatures on the petition we can make a real difference for Alberta’s wolves and for Alberta as a leader in conservation and environment.
It is a crucial time to help wolves in Alberta. Will you help us?