We are incredibly proud of our presenter Teena. As a result of this presentation, these amazing children have grown to know, understand, respect and love the wolf. So much so that they have created a spectacular presentation of their own to be unveiled at the Mayor's Expo 2016 in Calgary. This is what Teena had to say about this incredible project "Essentially they took my presentation of how the wolf effects our ecosystem and the battles they have with humans and they have made a "Tour" through the various parts of the ecosystem and other animals and how it would be all effected if we didn't have the wolf - done through the eyes of the wolf. There are 3 girls whom are the wolves doing the tour and the rest of the kids will be the interactive part of the tour points / stops. They have made themselves wolf paper mache hats, ponds, trees, etc.....it is so awesome. "
If you would like to have a Wolf Matters presentation in your school or community please let us know. These amazing little people will eventually grow up to be adults who respect and love this wonderful planet and the sentient non human animals who share it with us.
If you would like to have a Wolf Matters presentation in your school or community please let us know. These amazing little people will eventually grow up to be adults who respect and love this wonderful planet and the sentient non human animals who share it with us.