Present Practices
"Timber wolves: A resident may, without a licence, hunt (but not trap) timber wolf from the opening of any big game season in a particular WMU to May 31 or until June 15 in WMUs where black bear seasons are open until June 15. A non-resident or Non-Resident Alien who holds a non resident/non-resident Alien wolf/coyote licence may hunt (but not trap) timber wolf from the opening of any big game season in a particular WMU to May 31, or until June 15 in WMUs where black bear seasons are open until June 15." - Alberta Big Game Regulations
"Wolf may be hunted (but not trapped) without a licence during all seasons, as follows:
- on privately owned land by the owner or occupant of the land, or by a resident with permission from the owner or occupant
- on public land by a person authorized to keep livestock on that land, or by a resident who has written permission from that authorized person.
The above authorities to hunt wolves extend to lands within 8 km (5 mi.) of the land described above, provided the authorized person or resident has right of access." - Alberta Big Game Regulations.
"On public land, hunters cannot use bait for hunting wolves or coyotes except a) from Dec. 1 to Mar. 31, or b) during an open season for the hunting of black bear where the setting out, use and possession of bait for the purpose of hunting black bear is permitted. Each wolf/coyote bait site must have a readily observable sign showing the owner's name, WIN, big game outfitter guide permit number or big game guide's designation number. These baiting restrictions do not apply to WMUs 102-166 , to persons hunting under authority of a trapping licence, or on any private land." - Alberta Big Game Regulations.

If we look at the stated information, wolves can be shot year round (wolf season is 8 months long but they can also be shot on privately owned land or on public land if the resident of that land wants them to be killed for "livestock protection", during all seasons).
The actual wolf hunting season means that wolves can be hunted 10 months of the year, which includes the period of time when females are still lactating and caring for young pups.
Wolves can be killed without a licence if an individual is a resident. Non residents can kill wolves with a license that costs $12.40 (2016 price) and they may be lured by the use of bait stations.
Additionally, there is no limit on the number of wolves that can be killed.
Wolves are supposed to be registered if taken in any of WMU’s 300 to 318, 324 t0 330, 339 or 400 to 434 under and not later than 30 days after the date on which the wolf was killed. Wolves that are killed outside of these boundaries aren’t necessarily reported. There is also the concern of non compliant hunters who do not report wolf kills as well as a lack of enforcement. If wolves are going to be hunted, it should be mandatory that all wolf kills must be registered to provide a proper count.
The actual wolf hunting season means that wolves can be hunted 10 months of the year, which includes the period of time when females are still lactating and caring for young pups.
Wolves can be killed without a licence if an individual is a resident. Non residents can kill wolves with a license that costs $12.40 (2016 price) and they may be lured by the use of bait stations.
Additionally, there is no limit on the number of wolves that can be killed.
Wolves are supposed to be registered if taken in any of WMU’s 300 to 318, 324 t0 330, 339 or 400 to 434 under and not later than 30 days after the date on which the wolf was killed. Wolves that are killed outside of these boundaries aren’t necessarily reported. There is also the concern of non compliant hunters who do not report wolf kills as well as a lack of enforcement. If wolves are going to be hunted, it should be mandatory that all wolf kills must be registered to provide a proper count.
Wolves are difficult animals to hunt due to their elusive and intelligent nature. That is why many hunters, and especially many hunting outfitters, resort to baiting wolves in order to promise their client's that they'll get their trophies.
Baiting is the act of using piles of bait (roadkill, other hunted animals, scents, etc) to lure wolves to a particular site and then shooting the
animals while they’re eating. (Note: trappers also use bait piles to attract wolves to an area that they have placed snares and traps). Many times hunters begin placing bait stations months before hunting season to get the animals used to free meals and keep them coming back. Additionally, not only does it sometimes involve the hunting of other animals to make the bait, but it attracts a lot of different animals to the bait sites as well. Some hunters use unnatural foods to attract predators and many argue that this practice conditions animals to "human food" which could spell disaster for the animal (and humans) in the future. Many people also question the unsportsmanlike nature of this kind of "hunting".
Baiting is the act of using piles of bait (roadkill, other hunted animals, scents, etc) to lure wolves to a particular site and then shooting the
animals while they’re eating. (Note: trappers also use bait piles to attract wolves to an area that they have placed snares and traps). Many times hunters begin placing bait stations months before hunting season to get the animals used to free meals and keep them coming back. Additionally, not only does it sometimes involve the hunting of other animals to make the bait, but it attracts a lot of different animals to the bait sites as well. Some hunters use unnatural foods to attract predators and many argue that this practice conditions animals to "human food" which could spell disaster for the animal (and humans) in the future. Many people also question the unsportsmanlike nature of this kind of "hunting".
Excerpts From Various Alberta Outfitting Companies:
" Hunting wolf is not an easy task; wolves are a very smart and shy predator that likes to spend their time in the shadows of the timber.....Staking out well-used game trails is a great way to hunt these elusive timber wolves. We hunt timber wolves from heated ground blinds over bait and call the wolves in to shooting range, and depending on your placement that could be anywhere between 50 - 300 meters. We have great success with this method of wolf hunting and have harvested Alberta record wolves."
"Wolves can be hunted in any area of the province and we will use which ever area we find the highest concentration. The areas we hunt include areas where farmers are having problems with wolves killing their livestock and areas where we get information from locals that there are too many wolves. We use snowmobiles, argos, pickups, four wheelers and snowshoes to get to our baits and heated stands."
"We generally hunt wolves in the heavy bush and coyotes near the agricultural fields. We use bait stations, spot & stalk and predator calls when hunting wolves and coyotes. We access the hunting area by 4x4 truck and snowmobiles. Bring plenty of ammo as there is no limit on wolves or coyotes."
"Alberta has an over abundance of wolves, so there is no limit on the number of wolves you can take. We set out bait stations well in advance and monitor them for wolf activity. We set up heated ground blinds only in the best spots. With constant monitoring and scouting, we are completely devoted to giving our utmost effort to make your wolf hunting trip an unforgettable and successful one. Using these methods there is a very good chance you will take home one or more wolves."
"Wolves can be hunted in any area of the province and we will use which ever area we find the highest concentration. The areas we hunt include areas where farmers are having problems with wolves killing their livestock and areas where we get information from locals that there are too many wolves. We use snowmobiles, argos, pickups, four wheelers and snowshoes to get to our baits and heated stands."
"We generally hunt wolves in the heavy bush and coyotes near the agricultural fields. We use bait stations, spot & stalk and predator calls when hunting wolves and coyotes. We access the hunting area by 4x4 truck and snowmobiles. Bring plenty of ammo as there is no limit on wolves or coyotes."
"Alberta has an over abundance of wolves, so there is no limit on the number of wolves you can take. We set out bait stations well in advance and monitor them for wolf activity. We set up heated ground blinds only in the best spots. With constant monitoring and scouting, we are completely devoted to giving our utmost effort to make your wolf hunting trip an unforgettable and successful one. Using these methods there is a very good chance you will take home one or more wolves."
Hunting for Trophies: Online Hunting Photographs Reveal Achievement Satisfaction with Large and Dangerous Prey
K. R. Child & C. T. Darimont :

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