Recently, it has come to our attention that the government of Alberta has started a provincial bounty subsidy for registered trappers in the caribou recovery areas. Paid for by tax dollars, it is alarming that the public was not informed on this, and ultimately it means that there will be thousands of more snares set causing a lot of suffering for wolves and other animals with no positive impact for caribou. Equally alarming is that the trappers are calling this bounty a "Hush hush program".
In the past, the Alberta government has gone on record stating that they don't support bounties, yet now, under a cover of secrecy, they are paying trappers to kill wolves with your tax dollars.
Here are some quotes from past articles and interviews that illustrate that the AB government did not support bounties:
"The Alberta government does not administer any bounty programs or use them to manage wildlife programs, said Environment and Parks spokeswoman Lisa Glover. Bounty programs are typically administered by municipalities or private land owners." (2015)
Full article HERE
"Dave Kay, commercial wildlife and priority species specialist with Alberta Parks and Environment, said the province is looking at ways to regulate against the use of wolf bounties by municipalities and hunting and trapping groups.
“It might be legal, but socially it’s really not that acceptable and we certainly don’t promote them,” said Kay. “We’ve had some discussions internally about how we can regulate against the use of bounties on wolves.”" (2016).
Full article HERE
"Alberta Environment doesn’t control wolf hunting and leaves it open to anyone with an in-season big-game tag. The department doesn’t keep records of wolves hunted or trapped on private land.
“We do not believe that localized private wolf harvest incentive or bounty programs pose a significant risk to the provincial wolf population, so long as wolves are removed according to existing regulations,” said spokeswoman Nikki Booth.
However, the fish and game association’s request for a provincewide wolf bounty is unlikely to be granted.
“There are no plans to develop a provincial wolf bounty program,” Booth said in an email." (2013)
Full article HERE
Once again, the Alberta government refuses to use sound science when it comes to the management of wolves, and once again, they are operating this management in secrecy. If this makes you angry or concerned, please let it also motivate you to speak up. Please write and call your MLAs over and over again. With enough people voicing their anger and demanding action, things can change. Please check out our section on BOUNTIES for more information and please view our video: