Some questions to ask -
1) Given the current science on how incredibly cruel and dangerous snares are and the countless scientist who have weighed in on that subject, in addition to the fact that they are not species specific, why are they continuing to be allowed in Alberta?
2) Why are special interest groups allowed to continue with bounties which work to serve their own interests such as the Wyoming Sheep Foundation, allowed to continue?
3) Section 7 of the Wildlife Act of Alberta states that all live wildlife is vested in the Crown. This means they have legal responsibility to manage wildlife in Alberta. This authority comes from our constitution under the Constitution Act, 1982. Provinces have the authority to manage wildlife.
In the bounty program in Alberta, this is not a provincial government program & the GoA has consistently stated it is not their program but the municipalities. The GoA has not given authority to the municipalities to conduct this program. It is a wildlife management program & according to constitutional authority, the GoA can not delegate that responsibility of managing wildlife through bounty programs to a lower level (municipalities).
Why is it then that the municipalities have simply taken this authority & developed this program & the GoA has taken a blind eye approach to it?
4) Given this statement from 2013, why does the Alberta Government allow a bounty program?
5) What was the total cost of the aerial wolf culling program for the Province of Alberta in caribou habitat in 2015 - 2016?
6) How many wolves were shot and how many were actually killed?
7) Does the Alberta aerial kill program also incorporate the use of the Judas wolf whereby one wolf is collared in order to locate and destroy the entire pack?
Feel free to copy anyone else you can think of who may be interested.
WALLACE SNOWDEN CBC NEWS [email protected]
DANIELLE NERMAN CBC NEWS [email protected] [email protected]
DAMIEN WOOD CALGARY SUN - [email protected]
BILL MAH EDMONTON JOURNAL - [email protected]
ALBERTA SPCA - [email protected]
Marcia Love Spruce Grove Examiner [email protected]
The Hon. Shannon Phillips is the Minister of Environment and Parks: [email protected]
The Right Hon. Rachel Notley, Alberta's Premier : [email protected] and your MLA can be found here: