Trappers (and the Alberta government) continuously tell us that snares are humane killing devices, causing a quick death with no suffering. Trappers will tell you that their snares never fail, yet we have seen their conversations and photos on the AB trapping forum that tell the exact opposite - chew outs, jelly heads, live wolves found in snares are common. Read more here:
Most of the money trappers make in Alberta from snaring wolves is from bounties that are paid out by rural municipalities and some special interest hunting groups with little to no oversight from the provincial government. See more about bounties here:
Please write/call those in power that can change things:
The Hon. Shannon Phillips is the Minister of Environment and Parks and she has the authority to prohibit the use of snares in wolf trapping, an authority she has chosen to ignore. She can be reached at [email protected]
The Right Hon. Rachel Notley, Alberta's Premier, can be contacted at [email protected] and your MLA can be found here:
For letter writing tips, please visit our page: